Even local service businesses can thrive.
I've been speaking with several people this week that just don't understand why every business needs to be online. Even if you're a local service provider, there are ways for you to sell online.Take for instance the business of personal training. Personal trainers work out in a local gym. They get their clients through referals, and through the gym itself. Why would they need a website?
Take a look at http://workoutsforyou.com/ As a personal trainer, Lynn has taken personal training to the Internet, and creates workout plans that are easily emailed to you - for a fee.
So she can create a program that works for hundreds of people, creates a training program, and works via email with her client.
Sounds like a great business, eh?
She can still work one on one at her local gym (if she wants to, and if she has time). But the money rolls in simply but putting her expertise online.
Can you do the same with your business? No more excuses of "but I'm a service business". Just get out there and do it!
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