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Thursday, May 05, 2005


Are you trying to sell a product on your website?

Are you selling a service and using a brochure as a promotional piece?

How are you drawing people in?

If you're not using a headline to get people to read further, chances are your losing them. Take a look at my site for my Get Known Marketing manual. www.getknownmarketing.com

I use the following title to bring people in:

“ Discover why More People Are Becoming Virtual Entrepreneurs, and How You Can Transform Your Business Into A Money-Generating Virtual Business, and Double Your Business This Year … 100% Guaranteed”

Do you see any words that motivate you to take action? Words and phrases like 'discover' and 'how you can' and 'double your business' and '100% guaranteed' are all motivators.

When you know what your business can do for other people, share it with the world. Use those words to promote yourself - AND tell people exactly what you can do for them!

Your business will thank you.



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