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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Getting PR When You Need It

In the NY Times on Saturday, they ran a story several pages deep on Wendy's, stating that it has been cleared of all charges related to the "finger in the chili" hoax. It seems the woman in question has filed charges against many large businesses, and the "finger" has now been pointed to her.

Yet when the story first broke, everyone considered it front page news. As a business, this can be scary to your reputation. Negative news always seems to make front page headlines, while the real story ends up buried somewhere in the back, basically never to be seen by your customers.

This type of thing doesn't just happen to big business. It happens all the time to small businesses too. But staying out of the news is not an option if you are trying to grow at all.

My goal is to maintain a relationship with the media. I send out press releases regularly, and try to get as much good press as I can. If the bad should happen, I'll take it in stride, and move forward releasing my good news stories every week. I like good news. I concentrate on the good stuff. How about you?


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