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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Take It Easy and Enjoy The Season

Have you read the paper (or your email) and listened to the news? Everywhere you go someone is telling you how to de-stress the holiday season.

Statistics have shown this is the most stressful time of the year. On top of your normal work and personal load, you must throw in buying gifts, wrapping gifts, holiday baking and cooking, cleaning, putting up the decorations, holiday parties...

Yet this is my favorite time of the year. In fact, I love the sites - the smells - and the fun I have with family and friends. Just last night we attended my daughter's band concert, and loved hearing the kids playing their hearts out.

Instead of letting the holidays get to you this year, take time off to enjoy the rest of 2006.

* Bake some cookies and have the whole family decorate them - who cares if you end up with a cookie with more sugar than dough.

* Spend a night going out to dinner, and driving around looking at holiday lights.

* Watch a holiday favorite with the whole family. How about A Christmas Story, The Grinch, or Miracle on 34th Street.

* Read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas outloud to your family.

* Turn the tv (or if you're like me, the computer) off an hour early tonight, and read a good book.

Think about all you've accomplished this year, and what you can look forward to next year. It really does make a difference if you take a few minutes every day and enjoy!



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