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Monday, October 30, 2006

A new book to read

I've been hearing a lot about The Long Tail by Chris Anderson the past week - so it's on my list to get and read here in the next couple of weeks.

The Long Tail is the current process we are going through with dividing up industries into niches, and specialize as far down as we can. The question is

Is this actually hurting our businesses, causing a majority to eventually go out of business because they can't compete and make money?

It's an interesting concept. I've faced this question myself many times. If you have the opportunity to hire specialized training, why would you hire generalized? As a consumer of goods, we want to get the most bang for our buck; so we'll always choose to go specialized. But once you specialize too far down, can you never make a successful and highly profitable business?

While much of what is written about The Long Tail refers to the publishing/music/movie/video industries, it can easily apply to every industry in existence. As it becomes easier to distribute things via the Internet, it makes more sense to divide it down to the lowest niche possible. Giving people a choice makes selling easier.

How is this going to effect us as business owners in the future?

Stay tuned - I'll post again when I've finished The Long Tail.


P.S. Have you read The Long Tail? I'd love to hear your comments.


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