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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Future is Blogging

Everone's been talking about blogging. I've been blogging for over a year. But lately I've seen changes that blogging might be even more of a mainstay than ezines and other types of communication.

I've been working with several new clients this past week; all of them have a blog or want access to a blog.

And today as I was flipping through a magazine, House & Garden, they have a whole page dedicated to advertising their new blogs with the editors. Seven editors from different departments within the magazine will be writing their own blogs, and will provide you with information that can't be found in the magazine. http://www.houseandgarden.com/bliss

I'm also wondering if blogging will eventually become a way of adding revenue to your company. 10 years ago, people said you could never charge for information. Yet everyone has proved that concept wrong: membership sites, magazines and newpapers charging for internal viewing, and information products making their owners instant millionaires.

Will we be charging (and paying for) blogs in the not so distant future? Only time will tell.



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