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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Why are you so different?

I was reading an article this morning on the future of logo designers. It seems everyone out there can design a logo - for a fee of course. The problem is the fees for logo design are getting less and less.

You can have a local graphic designer create one for a small amount. Or head online - there's many places that will help you create a logo on the fly. You can even buy software to help design it yourself! And with all of the graphics packages out there today, getting a friend or family member to do it is just as easy.

So why should you pay good money for a logo design?

It all lies in the benefits.

Anyone can design a logo. But what can they offer with it? Can they analyze your competition and have your logo stand above them? Can they offer you multi images, to include in a variety of print and visual media sources? Can your logo stand alone as a symbol, like the Nike swish?

Providing the benefits will set you above your competition. Get away from "I create logos", and make sure your speaking results to your prospects. Let them know why you are better than the rest, and will help them stand above the crowds.



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