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Friday, April 28, 2006

What Can A Small Business Marketing Consultant Do?

I just finished another article, and have placed it onto my website. To read it, click below.

What Can A Small Business Marketing Consultant Do To Help You Grow Your Business?


How To Create A Small Business Marketing Strategy

I've just posted another new article to my site. Check it out.

How To Create A Small Business Marketing Strategy That Will Triple Your Profits This Year

Hope you enjoy!


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Having A Strong Internet Marketing Strategy Can Change Business

I've been busy today! I just posted another article to my website. You can read it by clicking below.

Why Having A Strong Internet Marketing Strategy Can Change Your Business

If you would like to use any of these articles in your ezines or on your website, contact me.


SOHO Marketing

I've just posted another article on my website. You can read it by clicking on the link below:

SOHO Marketing: Why Marketing From A Small Office Home Office Can Be A Million Dollar Adventure

This article helps you understand SOHO marketing, and how it differs from other types of marketing.


How A Business Growth Specialist Can Turn Business Into A Success

If you've ever wanted to know how a business growth specialist can help grow your business, check out my new article.

I'm adding new articles on a regular basis. If you see an article that you'd like to use on your site, or in your ezine, please contact me. My articles are used regularly, my only requirement being that the article be used in its entirety, including by bio at the end.

How A Business Growth Specialist Can Turn Your Business Into A Success

Hope you enjoy!


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Small Business Marketing Tip

I've been out speaking with a lot of different people this past week, and one of the things I'm amazed with is the amount of small business owners that still don't understand the power of the Internet.

So here's my small business marketing tip for today.

Promoting your business to success can occur at any level. Whether you're a start up, or are a growing company, your company can find success by doing five things:

1. Start with what you have. Everyone must start somewhere. Analyze what you currently have within your business, and ackknowledge what key benefits you can bring to your company. Sometimes seeing what you have can motivate you to take the next step.

2. Grow your list every day, with everyone you meet, and everyone you would like to know better in the future.

3. Build a website with quality information, add to it regularly, and provide a reason for people to return.

4. Create leads for your business - both online and off.

5. Leverage your time by contracting out some of your daily 'jobs'. If you can pay someone to do a better job then you can do - do it!

Want to see my complete article? Come and visit my site at http://visionofsuccess.com/articles_profitable_successfull.shtml


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hidden Opportunities - Capture Them Through Marketing

One of my favorite marketers, Dan Kennedy, shared an idea in one of his latest emails.

Most people attract and accumulate wealth from more than one source - the multiple streams of income theory. One of things he enjoys most about his business is helping his clients uncover hidden opportunities within their existing business.

Reading his email confirmed my feelings for my clients. I too love helping people create a new money source - one that may have never existed before; one that we create online that suddenly pushes their business to a whole new level.

And the great thing about the Internet is it's still such a new tool. If you've never learned anything about how to make money online, now is your chance. Whether you have a small business without a website, or a business that has a solid stream of online income - let's chat and discover other ways for you to use this amazing tool.

And create another stream of income!


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Join the newest rage online

So you've heard of the young man who sold pixels on a website to finance his college education - and ended up making a million?

Well check out the newest way to make a million. A guy named Noah Fleming has created the Worlds Longest Ad http://theworldslongestad.com/index.php

You simply download one of their paper chain man templates, design it with your ad, upload it, and along with a small fee, will be a part of this newest craze making its way around the Internet.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

A new contest for your small business

Want a chance to win $10,000 for your marketing ideas? Head on over to http://smallbizgames.com/

Small Biz Games has teamed up with Overstock, and will be awarding a lucky small business owner with a cash prize to help build his or her busienss.

Looks like a fun opportunity to me - what could be better than to market your business, and work with other like minded entrepreneurs as well.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Looking for something new on Friday night

Tired of going to movies on Friday nights? Want to have a new adventure?

Check out the newest form of entertainment.

Now not only can you go to the "movies" you can be in them as well. This adventure is an interactive amusement park that lets you decide your fate, and choose the adventures and which directions to turn.

I'm willing to bet this trend will be hitting other major metropolitan areas soon.
