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Friday, August 05, 2005

Success - What success means to you

What is the meaning of success?

Is it being rich?
Is it being famous?
Is it being happy?

I find August to be a month of relaxing, unwinding, and allowing myself to re-energize for the month of September. It's also a time of thinking about the success I've had so far this year, and what I can change within my vision to make the coming months equally successful.

I've had a lot happen within my business this summer, and I've used the last two weeks to make huge changes to my website - and to my strategies. I also have found that many other people use this time frame to re-energize their own businesses. How about you?

What have you done to add to the growth of your business?
Have you congratulated yourself on successes for the year?
Where are you going with your Internet strategies?
Are your goals within reason? Do you have a clear plan?

Happy August everyone!

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