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Friday, February 16, 2007

Do it the normal way

I just read through some of my email. In one of the ezines I read, I was sent over to another website to sign up for a series of free reports and a training class. The information was good, so I thought I'd sign up.

Two boxes of information were requested: my name and my email.

I typed in my name, tabbed down and typed in my email. It came back with an error, and asked me to put in a valid email. I went back to the boxes, and discovered they reversed the normal order of the boxes. Most people ask for information as:


But on this sales page, they asked for:


Why confuse people? How many people do what I did, and never bother typing in the info again? These people are probably losing a great deal of business because they are asking for standard information in a non-standard way.

Don't confuse people. Do it the way that is expected. You'll get a much higher response rate.

Do you agree? I'd love to hear your thoughts.




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